Young woman with headphones listening to music and reading a book.

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I am 79 years of age and living one day at a time. AudioVerse is the only website that I have downloaded onto my new smartphone. My phone is always with me! Thank you for the opportunity to daily spend hours meditating upon scripture. By spending sufficient time with 'my' audio bible, I hope to become more proficient in thinking and speaking ALL scripture, ALL the time. According to Matthew 5:16 and Jeremiah 15:16, I hope to meet people with whom I can share AudioVerse, as well as my personal experience.

Ralph K. an App User

AudioVerse has been such a blessing to me. As a young adult, the messages are relevant and helpful to my walk with the Lord.

Sarah M. from Enterprise, FL

This is the app I have been looking for! I enjoy having a plethora of audio that points my mind to Jesus and keeps me in His Word.

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